I'm so crazy over this man.

My "Oppa"~
Haha, yes I'm indeed crazy over this main lead actor who acted in the korean drama -- "My Girl". HE'S HOT. Okay, I shall start repenting and stop lusting over this man.
Everytime I watch the drama, I'll start thinking how can God create such a HOT man yet, at the same time, create me. But God never fail to give me this touching reply, "I created everyone of you and all of you are beautiful my my eyes." Yes, I'm beautiful, I always forget this because my worldly eyes are stopping me from realising that...
The highlight of today is the cookie making at my neighbour, vivian's house :)

Everything started in a mess because we didn't buy the cookie mix and both of us did not have any experience in making our own cookie mix and baking cookies.

Cookies "baking" in the oven. We were really anxious whether the cookies will turn out nice.

Ta-Da! Doesn't it look delicious? It looks oily though. Haha

Shouldn't have put the icing. hahahahaha.
A "dabian" cookie for vivian's boyfriend. HAHA.
The most unenjoyable part of cookie making -- cleaning up.

With much effort, all the cleaning is DONE.