Friday, September 12, 2008

This is a really interesting video. Hahaha!

Bible In A Minute

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Haven't been blogging for a really long time..

I'd been watching some videos on YouTube that made me really furious and disturbed that caused me to blog suddenly.

Videos where nannys abuse little kids, one of the videos I watched even showed how a mother hit her child along the road. They are so cruel! How can they do that?! How can they be so inhuman?! They are so disgusting!!

On the other hand, I really do NOT understand why parents give birth to children when they have NO time to take care of their kids. There are easily available contraceptive methods to prevent you from having a baby! Don't bring a baby into this world to suffer for what you did to satisfy your disgusting sexual needs or whatever you call that.

How can you throw all the responsibility of taking GOOD care of your child to some nanny that you barely know? If you do not have the ability to love your kids, don't make them! To those working moms that go out to work when your babies can barely walk, the thing your child needs is you not money! Let me say it again, if you do not have the ability to love your kids, DON'T MAKE THEM. It may be the nanny's fault to abuse them, but the parents are the ones to blame, they allow those nannys to take care of their children! For single mothers that do not have your husbands by your side, I understand that you may need to work to provide basic necessities for your child but do entrust your precious baby to someone you know and somebody you can trust!!

Below are links to the heartbreaking videos, showing how babies/toddlers are bring mistreated:

Mom Caught On Tape Hitting Child On Road
Toddler Abuse In Car Wash Caught On Tape
Nanny Caught On Tape Abusing Child
Caught on Tape: Nanny Careless With Infant Boys
Caught on Tape Bad Nanny

POOR KIDS! They did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment..

While I was browsing these cruel videos, I came across this really sweet video made by a father talking about how no man should abandon their kids. It's really sweet and almost brought me to tears..

Oh! And I really love Harry and Charlie! If you haven't seen their super cute video that attracted 48 millions views, here's the link --> . They are super duper adorable!!