Saturday, September 03, 2005

i'm so proud of them :)

i juz came back from the PESS carnival supporting the c div. haha. i'm really proud of them. they went into the 2nd round!! haha. which i nv did. or rather they were lucky. their grouping had those schools that were not so good. we thrashed almost every sch in their grouping except chung cheng. they tied with them. anyway. they top-ed the table n went into the 2nd round! weeeeee~
i have yet to know the results. i really hope that they can get top 4. haha. but this yr very weird. pro schs like rv raffles hij-toapayoh didnt take part. i think they felt tat the standard is like ermm. super low? haha.
but the standard for b div ain't so low. haix. i really hope tmr i can get into the 2nd round. but will it be possible?? DAMAI is in our grouping. argh! others were quite ok. but PLMGS2 look threatening. nanyang2 too. hahaha. but the are the 2nd team. sooooooooo we may stand a chance!! :)
ltr i'm gonna fetch my dad from the airport with my mom sis n bro. yay! thou he's coming back. but it's only for 3days. sian. i prayed tat he can safely reached singapore n i know HE heard my prayer :) weeeeeeeeeeee!!


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